Cusco Skyine

Cusco Skyine

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Shake it - Frutti Flex 50

So... yesterday was so busy that we forgot to make a blog post. Better late than never. Yesterday began like most days, 6:50 breakfast and 8:00 devotions with Pastor Bill and the Quechuan women. We had a break after that to collect ourselves before jumping in to help babysit the children. When we met back in the team room we were asked to help bathe the children but ended up observing instead. This lead to less tears on both of our parts. I think the children have realized that baths aren't as horrible as they first thought. We had what was probably my (Sammi's) favourite meal yet which was chopped up carrots, beans, hash browns and eggs. Overall, the kids were in a much better mood than the day before so we took advantage of their passiveness to make music shakers out of paper plates and rice, which they really enjoyed. During which the kids decided that Sammi was pregnant and continued to follow her around, pointing at her stomach saying "bebe". (I'm really not mom!) We then went to the park for a walk. The park experience was much better than before, we came back with all of our kids and had only one fight break out between kids! Spencer got ice cream cause he was snackish. The kids also find it entertaining to take the babysitters phone and video tape us on the way back from the park and then watch it when we get back so we have to make sure we are on our best behavior. After the park we went to go get Pastor Bill ice cream but the ice cream stand was closed and the rest of us ended up stocking up on all the Peruvian chocolate bars and cookies. At night the girls had a devotion with Brianna about spiritual gifts which we all took a test to see which ones we had. While the team was occupying the kids, our translator Daniel took Lucas to a clinic run by an American missionary. Upon arrival, they discovered that the doctor was out getting a bite to eat, so the nurse took his blood pressure and a few other things and they came back to ATEK for lunch while they waited for the doctor. When they left again and found out how long it would take (close to an hour), Daniel left telling Lucas Pastor Fredi would come pick him up. Lucas got his diagnosis and was given pills and two liters of a vile liquid to replenish his electrolytes. The liquid is called 'Frutti Flex 50' and according to Lucas, has the same consistency as milk but with a medicinal fruit taste... After receiving his meds, Lucas waited and waited. Pastor Fredi forgot him, and hours later when Daniel went back to get him, he said he finished an entire movie in Spanish in the waiting room (haha). Later on, while the girls had their devotion, Spencer and Lucas went for a walk and explored 'the main drag' (Spencer's words) and ended up purchasing a pizza that was fire roasted in a brick oven. Needless to say, their 'bro-time' was fulfilling in more than one way. :) Answer to the last guess who is Amanda. Todays is, "Who got soiled on (peed on for those who didn't get soiled on) at the park?" Jeff was supposed to write the blog today but he went to the village with the other group to take Lucas's spot due to Lucas being under the weather. So this blog is from a group of us. - Stephanie, Lindsey, Spencer, Sammi, Amanda, Lucas and Brianna. :)


  1. I really enjoyed this blog post! Sammi, you better not be pregnant...haha. Continuing to pray for you all, especially that Lucas will feel better soon! Enjoy the rest of your trip! P.s. All of the adventures with the kids reminds me of Africa :) specifically the tears and bathing combo!

    1. That was from Reyna if you didn't figure it out!

  2. Glad to hear that Lucas got some medical help and is hopefully on the mend, sorry they forgot him at the clinic. Sammi did you push out your tummy to give it your pregnant look? It is really not a good look.
    Praying for you all as you finish your time in Peru and travel home. I am sure the parents are all pretty excited to welcome you home.
